Friday, November 19, 2010

Vinegar Test For Warts

Yu-Gi-Oh-phase. @ @

Hi folks how are you you today? Rime Time
I am currently back in the Yu-Gi-Oh And that's why one has to phase
Doujinshi to start xx

It all started with the Leather Pants video, which I mentioned in my post-Halloween and had first seen at Night Maker had \u0026lt;3 Then I got my course, immediately the YGO Abridged Series-LittleKuribo (/ CardGamesFTW) looked at, and since then I never come out of the Yu-Gi-Oh madness:).
If you, too schonma happened oo ...
therefore had also immediately YGO-small pictures are started:


* scribble *

Unfortunately, the image is again not been completed, and so you'd have on the final result to wait a bit;)


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