Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Testicles Hurt When I Bend Down

It's Friday. January 30, to be exact. The Clock is somewhere in the vicinity of the 8th The Clock? Nonsense. The pointer. The Slow. There is a beastly cold. On this day we are only two in the Forbidden City, surrounded in the interior of an ugly corrugated iron hut of foreign, which are still our friends. My buddy and I are in the front row of the guest area Northern curve bleachers and ask ourselves is why so made a fuss about this "yellow wall". You hear nothing, except this krächzigen voice that sounds like an announcement from the people back then receiver. Terrible, but thankfully we can be but to understand these morons do not have
Back to the cold. It is freezing cold. At least tell me this is my memory. Mulled wine cold. Is better so, for this strange light beer in the guest area drinking nobody wants anyway. But mulled wine holds so tricky. Even numerous. Today we are witnessing one of them. No, two. First of mulled wine is hot. Says the name already. If you have bought it fresh, ignite the stuff. That is why you buy it, too. Sure. Held in the hands of mulled wine indeed fulfilled its purpose, poured into the throat even better. As a shower, he is however, not appropriate, so we were even in the second drawback: It is now just one red wine, or at least at some point been time. Plotting is now a light jacket (no, not me ...), then mulled wine can be fatal quickly twice, especially while playing with a high excitation potential. The year is 2004 and live in exactly such a game, but look for yourself:


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