Friday, February 25, 2011

Bananappeal Tile Home Depot

You can do it ~ ~ ♥

Oh, Sailor Moon ~ ~ ♥ ~ The heroine of my childhood! * __ *
Some time ago (ie in mid-November (!) O_O) I could not help me to designate the first 5 volumes of the Japanese edition of the manga at Neo Tokyo and today it finally arrived! The following are in addition some colorful pictures! ^ __ ^

Even if it does not really make sense to buy the manga, because they are so completely Japanese, they are just too pretty to not have it! X3 Accordingly, I'm going down in quite some time nor the remaining 7 volumes, as my German Sailor Moon manga are still very very abgegrabbelt. Sailor Moon was the first manga series at all, which I've ever bought me and I've read it 9837983792 times what is the manga, unfortunately, looks great .. x__x Long story short: I need a complete new edition! X3


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