Who date received no chocolate, just believe me: I've also got no degree and I am quite happy with it, because the Christmas chocolate stacks up with me still up to the ceiling! XD
Other topic: Yesterday I again rumgesaut a bit of makeup and tried. Actually not much viable outcomes here, except this pretty little picture on which one - was Mama's & Papa's Digicam thanks - can admire my great Colourvue lenses and even WITHOUT WORKS! * __ * (I think I'm going to the same camera set too! My cell phone Knips images lamgsam me go on the biscuit! XD)
This is not a sunburn, but red eyeshadow! XD
The rest of the photos was not great, but Photoshop can even set up a lot, so I shoppe grad something nice together! Here's a little taste:
work in progress ~
I hope that it will be as great as I have woven together to me in my little head, but I am cautiously optimistic, even if some cost (many!!) hours of work is! ^ ^:
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